We are just days away from #PorscheParade Phase II Registration! For a smooth registration, please have the following information available when you log in to the system:
License plates of all #Porsche (s) you are bringing
Brand of tires on all Porsche(s) you are bringing
Dates of birth and food allergies of all children attending
T-Shirt shirt sizes for all Parade attendees, including children
Banquet/Meal Selections (New this year: kid-friendly meals!)
Volunteer shifts you would like to work
Competitive event selections, including class or category
Other events/activities all attendees wish to participate in
If you are trailering your Porsche: length of trailer and license plate
Please review the #PCAParade2022 for information on banquets, events, activities, pricing, competition rules, and more!
Driving Tour times can be found on the main schedule under the “Information and More” menu.
PCA Juniors events can be found on the PCA Juniors @ Parade page.