Wednesday, November 17th: PCA Meeting at Midtown Pub?
6:30pm: Social
7:00pm: Meeting
Location: Midtown Pub 2405 Allen Blvd, Middleton, WI
–Private room reserved in the back of the restaurant
A Few Topics that will be discussed
- Upcoming Board Election – Is anyone interested in becoming a board member or Committee member?
- Name Update – see below and attached pdf file
- Reviewing the By-laws
- Newsletter – Newsletter Chair? Anyone interested?
- Charity Donations – Should CWI sponsor a charity?
- Membership
- Holiday Party 12/5 Reminder!
- Financial – Monthly report.
- Open discussion

Name Tags – CWI has decided to provide name tags for all Active and Associate/Family members who want them. We are making one initial order and they will be free to anyone who returns the Name Tag order form by the time of the Holiday Party on Dec. 5. Attached to this e-mail is an order form to send to Steve Stone via e-mail, snail mail, or bring it along to the Holiday Party on Dec. 5. See attached pdf file for details.