Board Elections


Do you like to be part of the Central Wisconsin Porsche Club Board please send your information to Steve Stone, Nominating Committee Chair.

Come help shape the direction of the region.

There are four positions open

President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure

We are also looking for a Newsletter editor

Section from the PCA RPM Manual


President: Presides over all Region meetings; prepares the agenda and directs the discussion thereof; acts
as an ex-officio member of all standing committees and temporary committees except the Nominating
Committee; executes all documents and correspondence in the name of the Region as authorized by the
membership or the Board of Directors, or in the region bylaws. They may act as a signer or co-signer of
Region checks.
The incoming President is responsible for returning the completed annual PCA Region Report &
Continuity Checklist Form and the completed Conflict of Interest Form to the National Office. Both
forms must be completed, signed, and sent electronically online. See Section 2.12 Communication
with National Staff – Annual Region Report Form for further detail. (See PCA Region Report and
Continuity Checklist Form on pages 125-128, also online.)
The President should familiarize themselves with the contents of their region’s PCA Region Redbook
and identify which region officers and chairs are responsible for the accuracy of the information
contained therein. Make sure that the current completed document is filed in multiple secure and
documented locations.
The President should distribute to the Region Officers and the new Chairs, a list of duties, below, and
this should develop into a specific discussion of what is needed and expected by both for the year.
The Region President should also utilize the feature of the PCA eMailer program to communicate with
the Region’s membership whenever necessary to discuss issues, or significant upcoming Region events.
The Region President must be an Active or Family Active Member if he/she is to be a voting member
of the PCA National Board of Directors.
The Board meets via a teleconference twice per year, typically in February and 2 weeks after Parade. Per
the PCA Bylaws, 2/3 of all Region Presidents must be present to establish a quorum at the board meeting.
Without a quorum, all items up for a Board vote must be deferred to the next Board Teleconference
Meeting. In order for PCA business to continue to move forward, all eligible Region Presidents have a
responsibility to attend the Board of Directors Teleconference Votes.
Conflict of Interest: No board member should participate in the discussion of, or vote on, an item in
which he or she has a direct personal or financial interest not common to other members of the Club.
However, members may vote for himself or herself when being elected for an office, such as for the
Audit Committee. Those with a conflict should abstain during the Board of Directors vote.
Also, to submit a topic for New Business discussion at the board meeting, submit your request at least
2 weeks prior to the Board Teleconference Vote to the person noted below:
• Region Presidents – contact your Zone Rep or EC member
• National Committee Chairs – contact any EC member
Zone Presidents’ meetings are arranged and conducted once or twice a year by the Zone Representative
at a central location within the Zone. These meetings often include special guests and presentations by
PCA National Staff members. It is the responsibility of the Region President to attend these meetings in
order to interact directly with the PCA National Staff and be informed on PCA policies and procedures,
as well as sharing ideas and discussing common issues with fellow Region Presidents.
Each Region President should also be aware of special awards given at the Parade. These include the
President’s Parade Trophy, the Betty Jo Turner Trophy (the PCA Newsletter Contest), the Lazar
-Blanchard Memorial Trophy (PCA Enthusiast of the Year Award), The Porsche (PCA) Family of
the Year Award, The Ferry Porsche Trophy (PCA Region of the Year), and the PCA Region and Zone
Website Contest. Details of the PCA National Awards, National Contests, Parade Competitive events,
and award winners has been moved to
PCA%20awards%20section%20v2.pdf. (Must be logged in to access.)
In 1999, Paul Lighthill and Paul Young wrote an excellent article on the Region President’s duties.
Region Presidents are strongly encouraged to locate the Volume 12, Number 3 issue of “RegionFocus”
and read those comments. (Check (Must be logged in to access.)
for recent issues.)

Vice President: Acts in place of the President during his/her absence or when directed to do so by the
President; assists the President and/or Board of Directors as may be directed.

Secretary: Causes to be recorded and preserved the minutes of the meeting of the Region; presents and
reads such minutes at the request of the President; prepares correspondence of the Region.

Treasurer: Keeps and preserves the records and books of account reflecting the financial condition and
operation of the Region; signs or co-signs all drafts on the accounts of the Region and any corporate
documents which obligate the Region financially; prepares and files IRS information and state taxing
authority returns as required. Upon the request of the President, Board of Directors, or Region
membership, furnishes a report of the financial transactions, receives all monies paid to the Region, and
deposits it to the bank designated by the Region. (See some specifics in Part 2.8 pages 21-26.)

In addition, most Regions retain the outgoing, immediate Past President on the Region’s Board of
Directors, for continuity.
Other officers to consider include Newsletter Editor, Region Membership
Chair, and sometimes several Directors, or Members at Large to round out a Region’s Board of
Directors, as stated in your Region’s current bylaws.
All Officers: All Officers: Elected and appointed officers should read their Region Bylaws upon
assuming office. The Region’s Board of Directors should constantly evaluate their Bylaws to ensure
they are accurate and are being followed for all policies and procedures, especially for nominations and
elections of officers. Regions should consider revising their Bylaws at least every five years. Consult
the Region Bylaws Template on the PCA National website and the Policy Committee for advice and
recommendations on your Region’s Bylaws and to ensure compliance with the National Bylaws.
All Region officers and board members are expected to pay the same entry fees as other members for
any PCA event. The only commonly accepted exceptions are entry fee discounts at Driver’s Ed events
(to attract instructors), future discount coupons for workers, when not limited to Region officers and
Board members, and free entry certificates used as door prizes or in auctions, available to all entrants.
Region officers should be accessible to region members and to potential members for questions. Officer
contact information is typically printed in the region newsletter and on the region website. For privacy, to
avoid potential typos and for easier role transitions, consider creating an alias email for each role. Aliases
are alternate addresses that are directed to the officer’s personal email account such as president@


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CWI at the Historical Display at the 68th Porsche Parade
CWI at the Historical Display at the 68th Porsche Parade
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Best in Show at the 68th Porsche Parade
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