2021 CWI Car Show anyone?


On our CWI Facebook Chase Sutherland contacted us about a hosting a car show next summer.

Looking for some ideas and feedback about a car show next spring or summer.
Location will be at the Boscobel Bowl and Banquet in southwest Wisconsin. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. (For anyone who hasn’t had Will’s smoked pulled pork it is the best I have ever had)
The plan is that the show will have all profits donated to the local free clinic to help with the rising healthcare costs.
I have a friend of mine who has committed to playing live music at the event.
I am thinking about having it be a free entry show. Each person who enters gets a voting slip to pick their favorite car in each class. Classes I am considering are the following: classic domestic, modern domestic, truck, European import, Asian import, and motorcycles.
Have something like a 50/50 raffle and silent auction on items donated from various businesses.
I am looking for some feedback on if people would prefer a late spring or summer show, if entry should be free or if something like a $10 entry would be fine with everyone since it is going to a good cause, if my voting idea is good or if there are better ideas, if the classes I listed are good enough or if I need more, etc.
I want to make this an annual fundraiser show for good causes.
I also am thinking about organizing a cruise to the show from Madison.
Let me know what you guys think. Let’s make this something that we can enjoy, help those who need it, and have something we can look forward to each year.

Are you as excited as I am please contact me. vicepresident@cwi.pca.org


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