CWI Porsche Club members David and Joyce Rolnick drove to Grand Avenue Elementary School in Prairie du Sac, WI to deliver the many school supplies that were collected from our members. Grand Avenue Elementary School was chosen because CWI members Zak and Crystal Witwen have gone on a number of social rides and brought their son Austin, who is attending 4th grade this year. Austin enjoys the rides as much as his parents do, and it shows with his big smiles!
Ms. Chrisler and Mrs. Davis accepted the school supplies on behalf of GAES. Special thanks to all the members who donated school supplies.
Here is an email from Austin’s principal:
CWI Porsche Club,
Thank you so much for the school supplies this year. We greatly appreciate you thinking about our students and the needs that they have to be able to have a great educational year.
We have families who struggle to buy the needed supplies, and with our school budgets so limited, your donation fills a huge need in our school. Again, thank you for your generosity and thoughtfulness.
Craig Trautsch
Grand Avenue Elementary Principal
225 Grand Avenue
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
(608) 643-1900
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Thank you everyone for their kindness and generosity! The donation drive was a success, and the drop off was a very fulfilling thing to be a part of! There was so many supplies, the pictures don’t do it justice. First day of school was full of energy, so we didn’t spend much time unbagging items. Austin was so excited to hear his school was chosen, and to a part of this as well. I’ve wanted a Porsche since I was little, but family came first, finally jumped on one, and I’m happy that they can be a part of this as well…first thing I did when I got it road worthy – was to join PCA! And, even with that want of a Porsche, I think Austin’s just as excited, if not more so than I. I’m not in the back seat yelling “woohoo” around the corners (ok, I might be in the front seat yelling “woohoo” too). You’re all such a great bunch of people! Just to know it’s been a rough couple years for, well,
I’d say all of us, and this helps make a difference for the better.
Joyce and David deserve a shout out as well, for organizing this and for hauling the supplies way out here, meeting us early for that first day of school! (Round of applause here). 🙂
Ok, anyones who’s messaged me, knows I like to go on and on. So I’ll stop here haha!
Thanks everyone!!! See you hopefully soon!
-Zac Austin Crystal