2024 CWI Board


The board of director election results were officially presented to me as club secretary last night by the nominating committee chaired by Jeff Greenlee.  The nominating committee correctly followed all procedures as outlined in our region bylaws.  Following are the election results for the 2024 – 2025 slate of board directors:

President:  Beau Smith

Vice President:  David Cooper

Secretary:  Becky Johnson

Treasurer:  David Rolnick

Past President: Jeff Buck

Further, I request our Webmaster, Andreas Kottschoth and Newsletter Chair John D’Anna to publish the results in both of the club’s official communications.

On behalf of the board, we sincerely wish to thank all that stepped up and volunteered for the board positions over the past 2 years.  Of course, we want to recognize and thank the outgoing board members that have volunteered their time on behalf of our club and have strived to make our region even more relevant:

President:  Jeff Buck

Vice President:  Robin Koth

Secretary:  David Cooper

Treasurer:  Chuck Schmeling

Past President:  Gregg Elliott


Finally, below is the relevant bylaw article related to the completed election:


Section 1 – Nominating Committee
The Board of Directors, by unanimous vote, shall appoint a Nominating Committee Chair
and the other Committee members. The Nominating Chair must be a voting member of
the Region. No member of the Nominating Committee may be nominated to an elected
office in the same year in which he or she serves on the Nominating Committee. The
Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating a slate of Directors to serve in the
following term. Not later than September 15 of each election year, the Nominating
Committee shall recommend to the Directors at least one, preferably two or more
candidates for each Directors position.
Section 2 – Recommendations by the Members
Active, Associate and family associate members in good standing shall be solicited for
and may recommend candidates for each office. Such recommendations must be
submitted for approval to the Nominating Committee not later than September 1 of each
No member may be nominated or placed on the ballot without their consent.
Section 3 – Notice of Elections
In the official publication for the Region for October of any election year, the Secretary
shall cause to be published a notice of election and the names of all nominees for office.
Section 4 – Ballots
During the first fifteen days of October of any election year, the Nominating Committee
shall cause to be mailed (or, if electronic means shall have been approved in accordance
with these Bylaws, then by mail, by electronic means or any combination thereof), to all
current associate members a notice of election and a ballot.

Active, Associate and family-associate members are entitled to one (1) vote each on any
and each issue arising.
The ballot shall contain:
o Names of the nominees
o Instructions to vote for no more than one candidate for each Officer
o Space for voting for the MEMBER, ASSOCIATE or
FAMILY/ASSOCIATE member’s vote.
o Space provided for write-in votes.
o Space provided for the signature of each voting member, their individual
membership number, and their email address (if appropriate).
o A statement noting the calendar date deadline for the return of ballots.
Ballots may be mailed or sent electronically and appropriate mailing and e-mail address
must appear on the ballot.
Section 5 – Tellers
The Nominating Committee and one member in good standing who is not running for
office in the election, shall begin counting and tallying ballots. If the associate Secretary
is on the ballot, the Past President shall substitute, or another member in good standing
with no direct interest in the outcome.
Ballots received after the published deadline shall not be counted unless there is a tie for
any of the positions. If a tie remains after all the late ballots are tallied, the Nominating
Committee Chair (or Past President) shall flip a coin in the presence of the candidates or
members present to determine a winner.

Written protests shall be directed to the Directors within 15 days of the results being
announced. The Directors have 15 days to hear objections and determine a resolution.
The decision will be final.
Section 6 – Notice of Election Results
The Secretary shall cause to be published within 30 days the results of the election in the
Region’s official publication and/or on the Region’s website.

Section 7 – Duties of Newly Elected Officials
Upon tabulation of the votes, the Secretary shall immediately notify all those on the
ballot of the election results. The President-Elect shall, as soon as feasible, call a meeting
of the newly constituted Elected Directors for the purpose of appointment of committee
members whose terms are to start at the first of the next year, as well as other
appointments which may be required. At the discretion of the President-Elect, the
meeting described above may be by telephone or electronic means.

Kind regards,

David Cooper

Secretary, CWI-PCA


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